This was the first wagon that I built and it was started in 1994 from plans drawn up by Vic King for Model Fairground Designs. I had no idea what I was doing only that it was something that I really fancied building. The plans only covered the exterior in any detail but the interior was really left up to the modeller. I wrote to MFD to see if they could help with the interior layout but they suggested that I should find a full size wagon and see if the owner could help me. This turned out to be very good advice and started me on my long journey along the Wagon Trail. (more)


Made by Ortons of Burton on Trent. It travelled with Asplands fair in the ownership of Ben Howden who was George Asplands brother in law as well as being his business manager. This wagon also travelled with Billy Ashley and his sister Elizabeth who had her own wagon. (more)


Originally owned and travelled by Gordon Warrington and much later by Phillip Swindlehurst, then by Jack Schofield and currently by Barry and Marylin Two. When someone first suggested that I build a Tube Shooter, my first reaction was, what on earth is a Tube Shooter? It sounded interesting so I tracked down what is believed to be the only original built one still travelling. It was a bit different to a normal living wagon because of all the paraphernalia that turned it into a shooting gallery using live ammunition. In addition to the folding panels that opened up to form the show front, there were the tubes and target boxes at the rear of the wagon. (more)


Originally owned by Owen Smith. I first came across this little wagon a few years ago at the Ardingly vintage vehicle rally in Sussex and tried to locate the owner but had no success. I saw it again a year later in the same place but still could not find the owner but I did manage to get his phone number and tried to contact him many times. I gave up on the idea until it appeared on the BBC's Antique Road Show so I decided to write to the BBC and ask them if they would pass my letter to the owner. In spite of supplying a stamped addressed envelope, I never received a reply so I decided to forget it completely. (more)


Originally owned by Sedgewicks and now in the ownership of Julian Wolfe. Progress to date on this model has been slow. Why should I be surprised? it happens every time so I should expect it. I decided to sort the wheels out first and decided that I would have to make a pattern and cast them out of resin. I was part way through making the pattern when I went to the Model Engineering show at Brighton. One of the modellers that I know had some wheels on one of his models that looked suitable for mine. He gave me a phone number and within 24hours I had a nice set of wheels. They required a bit of modification, which I will cover in the Techniques section, but I think they look fine. (more)